The Government of Quebec gave several recommendations regarding COVID-19!
Mission Nouvelle Génération is taking important precautions to prevent the spread of the
virus among customers, volunteers and employees.
- Food distributions on Tuesday and Thursday are maintained. We are an essential food service and there are never more than a hundred people in the building at the same time.
- Whenever possible, we ask that only one person per family come to the food bank.
- Anyone with respiratory symptoms, such as coughing and sneezing as well as fever, is asked to stay at home.
- Anyone returning from travel within the last 2 weeks is requested to stay at home for 15 days as recommended by the government.
- If you have food needs, you are a member of MNG and you cannot leave your home because of Covid-19, you can reach us by phone. We will see how we can help you. Each situation will be assessed individually.
- When you arrive at MNG, we will ask you to disinfect your hands, a bottle of disinfectant will be available upon entering.
- We have to change our habits: no hand shaking or hugging!
- All volunteers 70 and older are asked to stay at home as recommended by the government
- All volunteers must disinfect their hands upon arrival and wear gloves
- The MNG store will be closed until further notice. We will keep you informed of any changes.
We ask the entire MNG community to remain positive and calm.
Thank you for your understanding !
For more information on Covid-19:
16 March 2020